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Department of storage, formation and accounting of the National Archival Fund and help desk

provides safe and maintains the profile documents;

carries out scientific and technical elaboration of funds and cataloging of the documents;

carries out examination of availability and physical condition of documents, preparation and their transfer for repair, restoration and preventive treatment;

accepts for public storage profile documents or their copies from institutions, public organizations and citizens;

organizes the creation of an insurance fund;

creates and refines the system of reference apparatus of archive documents;

keeps the insurance fund and the usage fund;

conducts research on the formation, storage, accounting of NAF documents, creation and improvement of reference apparatus and development of manuals.

The Department of using information and external relations

ensures the right to access information contained in the profile documents and reference apparatus;

executes the requests of legal entities and individuals from Ukraine and abroad;

carries out the reception of citizens who come into the archive;

organizes exhibitions of archival documents and preparation of collections of the documents, guides, indexes, reference books;

provides consultative and methodological assistance on the issues of the documents of the archive and use of information;

ensures the rights of citizens to free access to information contained in the profile documents;

organizes work to provide users with documents of NAF and reference information to them in the prescribed manner;

provides scientific-methodological and practical assistance to users working with archival documents in the reading room;

ensures the safety of documents issued to visitors for use in the reading room;

ensures the establishment of partnership relations with archival institutions of foreign countries with the aim of promoting cooperation and participation in the international programs.

Construction organization department

performs the functions of the customer in the development of project documentation on reconstruction of non-residential rooms in the building (building № 5) for accommodation of Sectoral State Archive of the Ukrainian Institute of National Memory at 7 Pukhivska Street, in Kyiv;

carries out the reconstruction of non-residential premises in the building (building № 5) for the placement of SSA- UINM in accordance with the budget funding.

Financial and accounting support department

ensures efficient and economical use of budget allocations and material resources;

forms and submits the budget request to the Ukrainian Institute of National Memory;

provides accounting of financial and economic activities of SSA-UINM and reporting;

develops salary schemes and employee pay systems;

monitors the timely and proper execution of financial and economic documents and legality of operations, control over execution liabilities, availability and movement of property, use of material and financial resources in accordance with the approved estimates.

Department of Informatization, Public Relations and Business software

introduces the latest informational technologies in the processing of profile documents;

provides development and maintenance of the informational system of SSA-UINM, as a set of technical, software and communicational tools that provide processing, storage and use of information of the profile documents;

cooperates with the media;

provides logistical and economic support of activities of SSA-UINM.

The department of legal support and contractual work

organizes legal work aimed at the correct use, strict observance and prevention of failure in compliance with legislation and other normative acts of the SSA-UINM by its employees during the execution of their tasks and functional duties;

representation of the interests of the administration of the Institute in the courts.

Personnel inspector

develops strategy and policy in the field of personnel management;

provides SSA-UINM with qualified staff and their effective use;

organizes continuous training of employees;

carries out documentation of labor relations;

ensures compliance with labor laws.

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